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Artists@Work in Tuzla: Art against corruption and social injustice (VIDEO)
Friday 9 March 2018 13:30

From 29 January to 02 February 2018. the House of Flame of Peace in Tuzla hosted young artists from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, who shall create works of art on social injustice thematics within the International project Artists@Work.

This interesting project in Bosnia and Herzegovina is realized by Tuzlanska Amica Association in cooperation with partners Fondazione Unipolis as project leader, Cinemovel Foundation and Libera Associazioni from Italy and Les Ateliers Varan from France and with the help of the European Union through the program "Creative Europe ". The project is also powered by the City of Tuzla and the House of Flame of Peace.

The beautiful ambiance of the House of Flame of Peace, being itself an artistic setting, was a motivating factor for the development of creative ideas.

The participants at the first workshop had the opportunity to adopt new knowledge and techniques under the mentorship of recognized professionals in the field of caricature and photography, and their works, which will be authentically repressed and licensed, will have the opportunity to promote at festivals and events in the country and abroad.

Free workshops are attended by young people from all over BiH who came to harvest knowledge and new experiences from Sarajevo, Maglaj, Kljuc and all the cities of the Tuzla Canton. One of them is a Amar Mustačević, a student of mechanical engineering, who told us that this is an excellent opportunity for him because so far in Tuzla there are not many opportunities for creative expression at this level. 

"I want to primarily encourage fellow citizens to look at improving the communal culture in the city. To look at the cracks in the streets, to notice the pollution that surrounds us and realize that this is not right. I am pleased to have the opportunity to learn from professionals from BiH, France and Italy, who are recognized world cultural forces," concluded Amar.

Italian journalist and cartoonist Pietro Scarnera, one of the trainers at the comics workshop, told us that we can very well observe social topics through caricatures. "I'm glad that the workshop participants here in Tuzla have very good ideas. We help them realize them. One of the main objectives of this project is to connect people from BiH, France and Italy," Scarnera said.

The workshop of the comics in Tuzla is led by Dejan Slavuljica, master of graphic design, illustrator and assistant at the Sarajevo Academy of Fine Arts. 

Munever Salihović, a professional photographer and designer from Tuzla, and Stéphane Charpentier, a professional photographer from France, are in charge of the photography workshop.

According to Munever Salihovic, attendees of these workshops have the opportunity to "pick up" the first hand knowledge in the right way, and from people who have enviable careers behind them. "I am sure that at the first workshop we managed to move the boundaries of knowledge, and we even "opened" many participants in the direction of creating their own careers that can certainly be promising in our country. This job is just an obligation to raise public awareness and point out the problems that are causing us," Munever said.

It is interesting to point out that this is a pioneering project in terms of implementation of distance learning methods, in which a great role is played by a unique web platform that serves both the training process and the promotion of participants and their work. Participants through this platform exchange ideas with trainers as well as with other participants from France and Italy and thus make up an international network of young people in a battle for better tomorrow.

The platform on the web site is also public and can be visited by anyone who wants to get to know the project, participants and their creative cycle.

Artists@Work gathers 120 artists from Italy, France and Bosnia and Herzegovina, who will create original works of art on social injustice, the fight against usury, organized crime and corruption, the protection of human rights and other issues that our society is touching.

The next workshop will take place at the House of the Flame of Peace in Tuzla in the period 16.04.-20.04.2018. when ideas are to be elaborate and prodiuced.

Watch the video here!


Kuća plamena mira u Tuzli je u periodu od 29. januara do 02. februara bila domaćin mladim umjetnicima iz cijele BiH koji u sklopu projekta Artists@Work stvaraju umjetnička djela na temu socijalne nepravde.

Ovaj zanimljivi projekat u BiH realizira udruženje Tuzlanska Amica u saradnji sa partnerima “Fondazione Unipolis” kao liderom projekta, “Cinemovel Foundation” i “Libera Associazioni” iz Italije te “Les Ateliers Varan”iz Francuske, a uz pomoć Evropske Unije putem programa “Kreativna Evropa”. Projekat su, besplatnim ustupanjem prostora, pomogli Grad Tuzla i Kuća plamena mira.

Prelijepi ambijent Kuće plamena mira, koja je sama po sebi umjetnička postavka, je bio motivirajući faktor za razvoj kreativnih ideja.

Polaznici su već na prvoj radionici imali priliku da usvoje nova znanja i tehnike pod mentorstvom priznatih profesionalca iz oblasti karikature i fotografije, a njihova djela, koja će biti autorski žaštićena i licencirana, će dobiti priliku za promociju na festivalima i manifestacijama u zemlji i inozemstvu.

Besplatne radionice pohađaju mladi ljudi iz cijele BiH. Po znanje i nova iskustva su došli iz Sarajeva, Maglaja, Ključa i svih gradova Tuzlanskog kantona. Jedan od njih je i tuzlak Amar Mustačević inače student mašinstva koji nam je rekao kako je ovo izvrsna prilika za njega jer u Tuzli inače nema puno prilika za kreativno izražavanje na ovakvom nivou . “Ja želim prvenstveno animirati sugrađane da se osvrnemo na poboljšanje komunalne kulture u gradu. Da se osvrnemo na pukotine na ulicama, da primijetimo zagađenje koje nas okružuje i da shvatimo da to nije ok. Drago mi je da imamo priliku učiti od profesionalaca kako iz BiH tako i iz Francuske i Italije koje su priznate svjetske kulturne sile” zaključio je Amar.

Italijanski novinar i karikaturista Pietro Scarnera, jedan od trenera na radionici karikature, rekao nam je da kroz karikaturu veoma dobro možemo posmarati socijalne teme. “Drago mi je da polaznici radionice ovdje u Tuzli imaju jako dobre ideje. Mi treneri ćemo im pomoći da ih realiziraju. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog projekta da se povežu ljudi iz BiH, Francuske i Italije” rekao je Scarnera.

Radionicu karikature u Tuzli inače vodi Dejan Slavuljica, magistar grafičkog dizajna, ilustrator i asistent na sarajevskoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti, a za radionicu fotografije zaduženi su Munever Salihović, profesionalni fotograf i dizajner iz Tuzle i Stéphane Charpentier profesionalni fotograf iz Francuske.

Prema riječima Munevera Salihovića, polaznici ovih radionica imaju priliku da “pokupe” znanje na pravi način odnosno iz prve ruke i to od ljudi koji iza sebe imaju zavidne karijere. “Siguran sam da smo već na prvoj radionici uspjeli da pomaknemo granicu znanja, a mnoge učesnike smo čak “otvorili” u pravcu stvaranja vlastitih karijera koje mogu svakako biti perspektivne i u našoj zemlji. Ovaj posao baš ima obavezu da osvijesti javnost i ukaže na probleme koji nas tište”, naglasio je Munever.

Zanimljivo je istaći da se radi o pionirskom projektu u smislu realizacije metoda podučavanja na daljinu u čemu veliku ulogu igra i jedinstvena web platforma koja služi kako za proces treninga tako i za promociju učesnika i njihovih radova. Učesnici putem ove platforme razmjenjuju ideje sa trenerima ali i sa drugim učesnicima iz Francuske i Italije i na taj način čine jednu internacionalnu mrežu mladih ljudi u borbi za bolje sutra.

Platforma na web adresi je i javnog karaktera tako da je mogu posjetiti svi koji se žele upoznati sa projektom, učesnicima i njihovim stvaralačkim ciklusom.

Artists@Work okuplja 120 umjetnika iz Italije, Francuske i Bosne i Hercegovine, koji će stvarati originalna umjetnička djela na temu socijalne nepravde, borbe protiv zelenaštva, organizovanog kriminala i korupcije, zaštite ljudskih prava i drugih tema koje tište naše društvo.

Naredna radionca će se održati u Kući plamena mira u Tuzli u periodu 16.04.-20.04.2018. kada je planirana razrada ideja i produkcija.
