Project update
Inner peace
Posted by Emir Džaferovic
Why do you participate in Artists@Work? What do you expect from this experience?

Peace with you,

I joined because my friend asked for help, and from this I expect that no one will have nothing against me nor for me after this project is over.

As I am still a beginner, I hope that I will gain new knowledge about photography, get some expearance and spread positive energy if I can or be quiet if I can't.

Explain the main thematics of your project

From the knowledge that I was given and experience that I have, I come to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems of today is that people are not in peace with themselves and because of that they don't have inner peace. Only when you are in peace with yourself, you can be in peace with rest of the world.

In every single moment in life we have the choice to complain (or spread any other negative energy) or be grateful (or spread any other positive energy).

My point would be that some people, even in the worst moments in their lives would recall something to be grateful for, on the other side, some people even in the best moments in their lives would find something to complain about, in the end it is all up to our choice and our habits.

My neighbor was 13 years old when he lost parents. So during the 5 years of war he was with the army, when the war ended he was still a minor. After that he got diabetes, but still whenever I see him he has more positive energy than most of the people. Also, when I was in Srebrenica I met an older women who gave me water, gave me food, smiled and hugged me as if she was my grandmother. After spending some time with her she told me that 15 members of her closest family were killed by her first neighbor, even with going through all that, she is one of the most positive people I met. Therefore the main theme would be those people who are grateful and positive even when there are things to complain about.

Explain the different stages of production of your work

As I am a beginner in photography, I still don't have clear stages of production of my work, but basically they would be:

- To find more bright and positive examples

- Talk more with people that I already know that are in a much worse situation than me, then maybe I would appreciate more things that I already have and maybe get some new ideas for this project

- Ask trainers for some advices



Explain the choice of the title

I got the idea from trainer Stéphane Charpentier,

In Bosnia, Christians say "Peace and blessing with you", Muslims say As-salamu alaykum (same meaning) and Jews say Shalom (same meaning), as Peace is one of the names of God and it is the thing that we have in common that joins us in peace and I think it should be spread more often.