Project update
Find the intruder
Posted by Longépé Aude
Why do you participate in Artists@Work? What do you expect from this experience?



I am studying anthropology at EHESS. I do a research focused on the healers in France. In my research, I need an ethnographic tool such as photography. I think that Artist @ work can be very interesting because it is approaching my research project with a creative look and a reflection on my project. Also, exchange with the participants who have another experience compared to photography since it can lead to other tracks, interesting ideas So, I hope that this workshop will enrich me both by exchanges and develop my project under another reflection and to familiarize myself with the photographic view.

Explain the main thematics of your project


At first, I focused on the healers in the case of palliative care. I wanted to make my photographic field in the hospital environment. Nevertheless, I'm in difficulty for several reasons, mainly ethics reasons also i find it difficult to photograph some people. I think it is very difficult to tackle. Besides, the medical environement seems to be a sterile environement without idea. So I prefer to go to a project dealing with alternative therapies, such as acupuncture or shamanic traits present in France and especially in Paris. I would like to approach the rituals, different therapies from here and come from elsewhere.

Explain the different stages of production of your work


Currently, I'm exploring my subject from different angles, both ethnographic and photographic. First, I'm refining my subject and the points I would like to developp. At the same time, I make the identification to give me ideas in order to set up my photographic project with consistency end related to my anthropological research.

Explain the choice of the title

The Healers have long been considered such as marginal persons or  intruder, living outside of the society. In fact, we value more scientific pratices, modern medicine. From comedian to quack, the practices of healers are often seen as a burlesque scenes.The  However, many people are moving towards therapies with new energies. Also, they are inspired by many therapies from elsewhere associated with their rites.