Project update
First milestone
Posted by Marcello Pedretti
Cantieri meticci's logo and Solidalia's logo
Why do you participate in Artists@Work? What do you expect from this experience?

I partecipate in order to learn more about filmmaking, directing and editing. In the last years I've started studing and working as screenplayer, writer and tv author, and now I want to increase my knowledge.

Explain the main thematics of your project

The first project is linked to the Cantieri Meticci's project in Bologna. Cantieri Meticci is an association which organizes theatrical workshop whith migrant people and local people. We want to find a story capable of tell the Cantieri Meticci's project in a short movie.

The second project is linked to the Cooperativa Solidalia of Vigonza, near Padova. Solidalia is a shoe industry where lots of migrant work. We are are searching a good story able to show the factory's routine.

The two projects have same main thematics: integration and multiculturalism. 

Explain the different stages of production of your work

We are searching for good stories in Cantieri Meticci's workshop and Cooperativa Solidalia's factory, capable of show the whole projects in a short documentary movie. We're just meeting people and partecipating to their routine in the workshop and in the factory. We're writing movie's ideas waiting for the right moment for start shooting.

Explain the choice of the title

The booth projects have no titles in this moment. We use the name "Cantieri meticci" and "Calzaturificio" to identificate them, waiting to find good titles.